Забезпечуйте свій розвиток завдяки потужності та швидкості. Спадщина WD Red продовжується

Home News Забезпечуйте свій розвиток завдяки потужності та швидкості. Спадщина WD Red продовжується

Надавайте своєму NAS швидкість і простір, які потрібні для інтенсивних робочих навантажень і стрімкого зростання обсягів даних. WD Red продовжує свою спадщину інновацій і лідерства із портфоліо жорстких дисків зі швидким кешуванням для зберігання та обміну великими обсягами даних без уповільнення роботи критично важливих програм.

Створюйте кращий NAS за допомогою комбінації жорстких дисків та SSD-накопичувачів, який стане в пригоді як для бізнесу, так і для роботи вдома:

Збільшуйте ємність за допомогою жорстких дисків. Покращуйте здатність швидко обробляти зростаючі обсяги даних за допомогою жорстких дисків ємністю до 22 ТБ*.

Збільшуйте швидкість за допомогою накопичувачів. Підіймайте продуктивність NAS на новий рівень за допомогою накопичувачів зі швидким кешуванням, оптимізованих для виняткової витривалості та швидкості реагування в областях із безперервною роботою 24/7.

*1 ТБ = один трильйон байтів. Фактична ємність користувача може бути меншою залежно від робочого середовища

Products from publication
14740 UAH*
in stock
Packed with power to handle the small- to medium-sized business NAS environments and increased workloads1 for SOHO customers, WD Red™ Plus is ideal for archiving and sharing, as well as RAID array rebuilding on systems using ZFS and other file systems. Built and tested for up to 8-bay NAS systems, these drives give you the flexibility, versatility, and confidence in storing and sharing your precious home and work files.
9600 UAH*
in stock
Type: internal; Function: for PC, Network Attached Storage; Capacity: 6000 GB; Form factor: 3.5"; Spindle speed: 7200 rpm; Interfaces: SATA 3;
13150 UAH*
in stock
Packed with power to handle the small- to medium-sized business NAS environments and increased workloads1 for SOHO customers, WD Red™ Plus is ideal for archiving and sharing, as well as RAID array rebuilding on systems using ZFS and other file systems. Built and tested for up to 8-bay NAS systems, these drives give you the flexibility, versatility, and confidence in storing and sharing your precious home and work files.
9700 UAH*
in stock
With enough power for SMB NAS systems and increased workloads for SOHO users, WD Red Plus drives are ideal for archiving and sharing, as well as RAID recovery on systems with ZFS and other file systems. Designed and tested for 8-bay NAS systems, these drives provide flexibility, versatility and confidence in storing and sharing valuable home and work files.
7480 UAH*
in stock
With enough power for SMB NAS systems and increased workloads for SOHO users, WD Red Plus drives are ideal for archiving and sharing, as well as RAID recovery on systems with ZFS and other file systems. Designed and tested for 8-bay NAS systems, these drives provide flexibility, versatility and confidence in storing and sharing valuable home and work files.
5250 UAH*
in stock
With enough power for SMB NAS systems and increased workloads for SOHO users, WD Red Plus drives are ideal for archiving and sharing, as well as RAID recovery on systems with ZFS and other file systems. Designed and tested for 8-bay NAS systems, these drives provide flexibility, versatility and confidence in storing and sharing valuable home and work files.
10550 UAH*
in stock
Type: internal; Function: for PC, Network Attached Storage; Capacity: 8000 GB; Form factor: 3.5"; Spindle speed: 7200 rpm; Interfaces: SATA 3;
6660 UAH*
in stock
Type: internal; Function: for PC, Network Attached Storage; Capacity: 4000 GB; Form factor: 3.5"; Spindle speed: 7200 rpm; Interfaces: SATA 3;
4990 UAH*
out of stock
Type: internal; Function: for PC, Network Attached Storage; Capacity: 2000 GB; Form factor: 3.5"; Spindle speed: 7200 rpm; Interfaces: SATA 3;
out of stock
Tackle extreme workloads in high-intensity NAS environments with the fast-caching WD Red SN700 NVMe™ SSD. The drive’s robust system responsiveness and exceptional I/O performance are perfect for multi-user, multitasking applications, letting you tame your SMB’s toughest projects from virtualization to collaborative editing to intensive database storage with efficient caching —all while helping to lower your TCO.
18990 UAH*
out of stock
Type: internal; Function: for server; Capacity: 12000 GB; Form factor: 3.5"; Spindle speed: 7200 rpm; Interfaces: SATA 3;
out of stock
Type: internal; Function: for server; Capacity: 14000 GB; Form factor: 3.5"; Spindle speed: 7200 rpm; Interfaces: SATA 3;
3130 UAH*
out of stock
Type: internal; Function: Network Attached Storage; Capacity: 1000 GB; Form factor: 3.5"; Spindle speed: 5400 rpm; Interfaces: SATA 3;
out of stock
Packed with power to handle the small- to medium-sized business NAS environments and increased workloads1 for SOHO customers, WD Red™ Plus is ideal for archiving and sharing, as well as RAID array rebuilding on systems using ZFS and other file systems. Built and tested for up to 8-bay NAS systems, these drives give you the flexibility, versatility, and confidence in storing and sharing your precious home and work files.
out of stock
Type: internal; Function: for server; Capacity: 6000 GB; Form factor: 3.5"; Spindle speed: 5400 rpm; Interfaces: SATA 3;
out of stock
Type: internal; Function: for PC, Network Attached Storage; Capacity: 4000 GB; Form factor: 3.5"; Spindle speed: 5400 rpm; Interfaces: SATA 3;
out of stock
Type: internal; Function: for server; Capacity: 2000 GB; Form factor: 3.5"; Spindle speed: 5400 rpm; Interfaces: SATA 3;
out of stock
Tackle extreme workloads in high-intensity NAS environments with the fast-caching WD Red SN700 NVMe™ SSD. The drive’s robust system responsiveness and exceptional I/O performance are perfect for multi-user, multitasking applications, letting you tame your SMB’s toughest projects from virtualization to collaborative editing to intensive database storage with efficient caching —all while helping to lower your TCO.
out of stock
Type: internal; Capacity: 2000 GB; Connection: SATA 3; External write speed: 530 Mb/sec; External read speed: 560 MB/s; MTBF: 2 million hours; Application: Network Attached Storage, for server; Weight: 57.9 g;
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